In this article we are going to be looking at the Xbox 360 and the freezing up issue which can happen when you playing your games. When this error happens you will not see any message pop up on the screen and the only way you will be immediately be aware of it is if you are playing music you will hear it suddenly stop.
This error can be the most annoying because it actually happens while you're playing your games!
This means that if you are in the middle of a war on call of duty you will lose your online ranking through no fault of your own!
So What Does It Mean?
Well it happens before the red lights of doom appear, the reason that happens is because the GPU and the CPU heat up and then the soldering becomes loose and snaps off.
When the soldering snaps off the two main chips can no longer communicate and that is when your system will freeze up!
So what can you do to fix it?
There are a few troubleshooting tips that you can follow such as try and get your console in a more ventilated place, give it a good dust out and try a different game and see if the problem happens again.
What you may also want to do to test it to is take a hard drive off to give the system even more airing.
If this does not work for you you'll have to either send it back to get it repaired or you can actually fix it yourself if you have a good guide.
If you are going to go down the route of fixing it yourself then make sure you find a guide that gives you a complete guarantee, a preview of the actual fix and also test out their customer service by sending an email first.
This will increase your chances of being able to fix your Xbox 360 yourself.
Remember if you are in doubt you should send it back but be prepared to wait for about four weeks and pay out a repair bill which is 0 for some of the problems, in fact the freeze up issue is one of the problems that you have to pay for!
I hope this article has told you a bit more about why your console is freezing up and you can use the suggestions here to get it fixed fast!